Have you noticed limescale or calcium buildup around your pipes and drains? The use of hard water leads to this buildup of calcium and minerals. Limescale is not only hard to remove, but over time, can also damage some metals, clog pipes, and reduce the efficiency of water pipes and appliances.

Knowing what to use to remove the buildup is the first step. The second step is knowing how to prevent it!

How to Remove Calcium Buildup

The minerals in hard water don’t completely dissolve and are left on pipes, showerheads, and drains. And, while cleaning these mineral deposits is a chore, it is not impossible with a little time and muscle. Here are a couple of ways to bring a sparkle back to your fixtures!

  • Natural Cleaners: Baking soda and vinegar are your friends when it comes to natural cleaning. Try soaking a rag in vinegar and wrapping around your faucets and showerhead for an hour. Then, wipe clean with a damp towel. You can also make a paste out of vinegar and baking soda to scrub drains and run through your pipes.
  • Commercial Cleaners: There are several commercial cleaners on the market that can take care of limescale and calcium buildup. CLR and Lime-A-Way products are among the top sellers. Just make sure you follow the instructions and check that they are safe for your particular surface material. Also be careful of the toxic fumes they emit.

If you have hard water in your home, you should clean calcium buildup at least once a month. Don’t wait until it really builds up and is more difficult to remove!

How to Prevent Mineral Buildup

If you’re tired of constantly having to clean the nasty mineral buildup from your faucets and appliances, the best solution is to install a water softener. A quality water softener will solve all your hard water problems!

The experts at Palm Springs Water Systems can help you choose the right water treatment product for your household. We have been providing quality water services and products at an affordable rate for over 47 years. We offer a variety of residential and commercial units and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Simply contact us today to get started!

When it comes to your water, Palm Springs Water Systems delivers.